FAQsWhy Should I Join?
The most important reason is to increase sales, build relationships with a diverse group of professionals, and benefit from the knowledge, experience and advice of other business executives. Many EANJ members agree that the Executives’ Association is one of the most productive marketing expenses they make for their companies.
If you are willing to make a commitment in time and energy to building your business, and to helping other business leaders build theirs, this is an organization that can really help produce new sales and new relationships. Consider joining if you are looking to make contacts and meet new centers of influence across the state New Jersey.
We sometimes joke that joining the EANJ is the equivalent of hiring 50 new salespeople without having to pay their salaries. If you want to grow your business, joining EANJ is the first step you should take.
What Will be Expected of Me as A Member?
To be successful at EANJ, members should attend as many meetings as possible, make house calls (meetings with members outside the morning meetings) and spend time getting to know the other members. We also encourage you to become active in the association by joining a committee (or committees) and lending your expertise to the group.
What Can I Expect in New Business?
It varies. Some members are able to get viable leads right away, others take a bit longer. It depends on your business, your commitment and other members being able to identify good prospects for you.
We advise that you take a long-term approach to membership — don’t expect miracles overnight and be willing to give before you receive.
Do I Have to Give Leads to Everyone?
No. While we would like everyone to provide leads to everyone, we recognize that in most cases this is not possible. Some businesses and individuals simply share more common information and relationships than others. You should, of course, always make an effort to generate leads for others.
What if It Doesn’t Work?
If things don’t work out and you resign, we ask that you are current on dues, and we always part ways as friends. We have many former members who have remained close to the Association and who continue to do business with members long after their membership is over.
Dues are $2,400 annually, billed every quarter at $600.