Headshot vs. Executive Portrait vs. facebook picture
A – lways
B – e
M – arketing
Here are some important questions you should ask yourself if you want to do more business and want to be paid what you feel you are worth.
Why is a proper portrait valuable to a professional like yourself?
How valuable is your first impression when you are introduced to a new person ? When you scroll though LinkIn, facebook, websites, etc. are you more apt to spend more time on a business if they project professionalism, elegance, credibility from a proper image and design of their page.
What does your image tell others about you? What should it say about who you are , what you do for a living and how credible you are.
Look at your portrait show others who you will be honest with you. Most will not. They are afraid to hurt your feelings.
I understand some of us have tons of business without the best portrait. If you want to grow you will never know what you missing. I have found new eyeglasses has help me connect better with others. A bit more artsy and more handsome helps my business.
What is the difference? You can tell. A standard headshot may not always flatter the subjects appearance. Weight, best angle, best pose or composition for the individual . the male and female pose maybe ignored. They are less money $99-$300. One main reason is the amount of artwork. Digital photography can be very unflattering. It adds 10 lbs and unwanted shadows. It can be harsh to say the least. These are questions you need to ask. A proper portrait photographer or artist has specialized in one type of image. The Portrait must have proper lighting, pose, angle, composition , clothing coordination and most important the artwork. Accentuate the positive and eliminate the negatives. The price can vary from $250-$500.00.
You get what you pay for and how much is one new client worth to you?
So you keep telling yourself my portrait look OK. Is OK good enough when most attention span is a few seconds when searching the web.
We are running our 30% off special until 3/1/18. Email or call if you would like to discuss your current portrait or headshot. I want our group to have the very best!!!
Warmest Regards,